Returns of War: Saigon and the Global Political Economy of

RETURNS OF WAR: SAIGON AND THE GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POST-SOCIALIST VIETNAM Dr. Long Bui Wesleyan University Long Bui is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of American Studies at Wesleyan University. Previously, holding academic appointments as the University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Ethnic Studies Department at UC Riverside and the […]Read More

Development after Statism: Industrial Firms and the Political Economy of

Development after Statism: Industrial Firms and the Political Economy of South Asia Adnan A. Naseemullah King’s College, London Abstract Development after Statism discusses contemporary industrial development in a new era of drastically constricted state capacity, from the point of view of the manufacturing firm. It focuses on the following empirical puzzle: India’s industrial economy has […]Read More

American elections on the Paris Agreement for global climate protection

Will the pathway from Paris be blocked by Wichita?  Impacts of American elections on the Paris Agreement for global climate protection Victor Menotti Executive Director International Forum on Globalization April 7, 2016 — 5:00PM SSMS 2135 Conference Room The UN’s new Paris Agreement for global climate protection pits two hundred nations against two of the […]Read More

China’s Growth and Implications for Southeast Asia

Wing Thye Woo Professor of Economics at University of California Davis, and Fudan University, Shanghai; President of Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia, Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With G-7 economies in the doldrums since 2008, the rollercoaster behavior of global commodity markets in the 2010-2015 period is testimony of the huge impact that China’s […]Read More

From the Revolutionary Cartesian Subject to the Revolutionary 21st Century

“From the Revolutionary Cartesian Subject to the Revolutionary 21st Century Subject” Professor Sandra Angeleri, Universidad Central de Venezuela May 11 2016 at 4pm Mosher Alumn House Sandra Angeleri is Professor of Theory of Knowledge in the Department of Anthropology the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and approaches the Geopolitics of Knowledge from a Latin American Ethnic […]Read More

Cinema Exhibition and the Ideal State

Cinema Exhibition and the Ideal State Jasmine Trice University of California, Los Angeles May 18, 2016 — 4:00PM SSMS 2135 In the mid-2000s, the Philippines became globally renowned for its burgeoning independent film scene, which in turn sparked public debates regarding audiences, distribution, and institutional support. This presentation examines three institutions central to the nation’s […]Read More

Rebel Diplomacy in Civil War: A Roundtable

What do We Know and What Should We Know about Rebel Non-Violence? Join us for this roundtable discussion sponsored by the Orfalea Center’s Global Security Hub. Participants Bridget Coggins is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her work focuses on the intersection of civil conflict and international relations. […]Read More

Governance and Accountability in International NGOs

A workshop sponsored by the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies, held at UC Santa Barbara on November 10-11, 2006 Introduction – Mark Juergensmeyer (UC Santa Barbara) Civil Society Perspectives on Humanitarian Intervention – Richard Falk (UC Santa Barbara) Civil Society, Globalization and Global Civil Society – Krishan Kumar (University of Virginia) Legitimacy and the […]Read More

10th Anniversary Workshops: Religion & Global Public Life

Marriage, Family, Religion, and Culture in the Multiethnic Empires of Ancient Iran Co-sponsored by the Iranian Studies Initiative, the Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Funds at UCSB, and the Gramian-Emrani Foundation Schedule of Events PANEL 1: THE ACHAEMENID PERIOD (10:00-12:30) Chair: Janet Afary, UCSB 1. John W.I. Lee, UCSB Achaemenid Mixed Marriages and Other Relationships: Perspectives […]Read More