Pesquisa sobre Estudos Globais no Brasil

Survey on Global Studies in Brazil (Please scroll down for reading this text in English) O Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) e o Orfalea Center for Global & International Center, da Universidade da Califórnia-Santa Bárbara, estão realizando uma pesquisa, até então inédita, sobre Estudos Globais no Brasil. […]Read More

Intensive Certificate Workshop: “Global Studies in Brazil: For a New

This event will take place at UERJ, in Rio de Janeiro, between June 26-30 (CLIQUE AQUI se você quiser ler este texto em português) The intensive certificate workshop or ‘minicurso’ entitled “Global Studies in Brazil: For a New Interdisciplinary Field – Global South Perspectives and the Public-Facing University” will take place at the State University […]Read More

Minicurso Internacional “Estudos Globais no Brasil: Por um Novo Campo

Evento ocorrerá na UERJ, no Rio de Janeiro, entre 26 e 30 de junho (Please CLICK HERE if you want to read this text in English) O Minicurso Internacional “Estudos Globais no Brasil: Por Um Novo Campo Interdisciplinar – Universidade, Cidadania e Perspectivas Emergentes” terá lugar na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, […]Read More

Transnationalizing the Study of the United States Cluster Presentations

Friday April 28th, 2023 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Girvetz Hall 2320  Prof. Paul Amar, Director of the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies, and our Orfalea Center team invite you to the finale in a series of in-person gatherings and presentations to build community and celebrate the many accomplishments and future plans of […]Read More

Future Infrastructures: Water, Energy and Justice

Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster Future Infrastructures: Water, Energy and Justice Multimedia Teaching Resource The following two videos and their accompanying references can be used as a teaching tool both in the classroom, and by anyone interested in exploring introductory topics related to infrastructure. These videos pay particular focus to the biopolitical and bioeconomic implications […]Read More

Launching a New Era of China-Brazil Relations?: South-South Futures and

Orfalea Center Media: Rapid Response Broadcasts Webinar Series Join us for an engaging webinar discussing Brazilian President Lula’s recent visit to Beijing where he signed several new agreements with ChinesePresident Xi Jinping, and following former President Dilma Rousseff’s appointment as the Director of the BRICS Development Bank in Shanghai. Is this the launch of a […]Read More

Global Genders and Sexualities Research Cluster Presentations

Friday March 17th, 2023 Girvetz Hall 2320 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Prof. Paul Amar, Director of the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies, and our Orfalea Center team invite you to the first of a series of in-person gatherings and presentations to build community and celebrate the many accomplishments and future plans of […]Read More