Transworlding: Grads Works-in-Progress (WIP) Series

The Orfalea Center & GMTaC Lab present…

The Transworlding Works-In-Progress Series is a space for graduate students to share and develop their writings with input and mentoring provided by the research community at UCSB. This workshop will feature research by graduate students whose MA thesis or PhD dissertation project is global, transregional, and/or interdisciplinary. We invite participants from across the social sciences and humanities.

These gatherings are designed to be supportive spaces and sites of shared community in which graduate students receive constructive feedback on research papers, article drafts, conference presentations, job talks, or collaborative projects. Graduate thesis/dissertation topics can include globalization, comparative area studies, geopolitics, climate justice, urban or rural geography, migration, immigration, militarization, intersectional politics, global race and racism, global gender/sexuality, security and insecurity, surveillance, democratization, labor, Big Tech, infrastructure, media, global south partnerships, community building, human rights, disaster, dispossession, displacement, financialization, activism, cultural survival, indigeneity, sovereignty, and more.

The workshop is intended to foster collegiality among graduate students across different fields, help professionalize graduate student researchers, strengthen research publications and conference presentations, support researchers of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and create intellectual community and partnerships. We will also focus on shaping publications to target peer-reviewed journals, and provide space for practicing job talks.

We convene once per month for 60 minutes. The presenter will circulate a paper (no more than 25 pages, double-spaced) one week before the workshop so that participants can read and engage with it beforehand, and offer comments and questions when we meet. During the workshop, the presenter will provide a brief (5-10 min) overview of the project, and a faculty leader or a doctoral candidate will moderate the discussion. One participant will be assigned to take notes during the workshop to be shared with the presenter.

We will meet via zoom until further notice. Once we are back on campus we envision this series as a community building experience, with free food and drink! We hope that those who wish to participate will become “members” of this community and make an effort to attend all conversations in the series, in order to support each other.

Our upcoming meetings are scheduled Fridays at noon on the following dates:

January 29

Feb 26

Mar 26

April 30

May 21

We are looking for volunteer presenters. If you have a specific thesis/dissertation chapter or draft article submission you would like to present, please indicate that in your email (and tell us the title of your draft). Graduate students who are interested in presenting or participating in the workshop should contact: Tinghao Zhou at

Once we have presenters and details for winter and spring 2021, we will send around the schedule with information about signing up and participating via Zoom.

The Works-in-Progress Series is a joint initiative led by the Director of the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies (Paul Amar) and the Director of the Global Media Technologies and Cultures (GMTaC) Lab (Lisa Parks).

If you have questions please contact Paul Amar at or Lisa Parks at

For further updates see:

Page Editor

Graduate Student Researcher at the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies
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