Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster

Transnationalizing the Study of the United States

Responses to US Intervention and Anti US Sentiments

The following are the categorical resources that are relevant to the study of the historical precedent and global consequences of the post-9/11 war on terror.

Reich, Simon, and Mark Aspinwall. “The Paradox of Unilateralism: Institutionalizing Failure In U.S.-Mexican Drug Strategies.” Norteamérica 8, no. 2 (2013): 7-39.

Argues that in regards to the US war on drugs in Mexico they implement policy that one would assume would lead to a certain level of control of the Mexican state. The authors argue that there is a level of resistance by the Mexican state as it derails specific US initiatives.

Velázquez Flores, Rafael. “La Política Exterior De Estados Unidos Hacia México Bajo La Administración De Barack Obama: Cambios Y Continuidades.” Norteamérica 6, no. 2 (2011): 85-113.

Article argues that despite Obama’s position as president there was no real change in relation to the position that the US took toward Mexico.

Gerges, Fawaz A. ISIS : A History. Princeton ; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016.

The third chapter of this book follows the history of ISIS’s creation, mainly due to the power vacuum left after the invasion of Iraq by the U.S.

Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010.

Rashid traces Bin Laden’s story and how the US’s arming Afghan Militia during the Cold War facilitated the creation of Taliban.

Bow, Brian, and Arturo Santa-Cruz. “Mexican Anti-Americanism And Regional Integration in North America.” Norteamérica 6, no. 2 (2011): 35-66.

Explores the anti-US sentiment in Mexico and where it stems from specifically after 9/11.

León-Manríquez, José Luis, David Mena Alemán, and José Luis Valdés Ugalde. Estados Unidos y los principales actores de la reconfiguración del orden mundial en el siglo XXI. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2015. 
Anthology that looks at the role of US global hegemony in the 21st century, 9/11 is positioned as a pivotal moment that allowed unilateral militarization. The book is broken down into three parts: 1) Internal politics in the US and the effects it has on the external, 2) US relation with tradition and emerging economies, 3) how Latin American is chaining in the global scene specifically with their connection to China.

Aparicio, M. “Introducción El Estados Unidos de Trump: ¿Una era perdida?.” Norteamérica, Revista Académica Del CISAN-UNAM, 14(2), 2019.

Argues that Trump as president has led to a shift in US politics in regards to international diplomacy that depends more on aggression.

Article argues that xenophobia and racist groups in the US have access to weapons of death looking specifically at the Black community.
Qureshi, Asim, ed. I Refuse to Condemn Resisting racism in times of national security. Manchester University Press, 2020.
In times of heightened national security, scholars and activists from the communities under suspicion often attempt to alert the public to the more complex stories behind the headlines. But when they raise questions about the government, military and police policy, these individuals are routinely shut down and accused of being terrorist sympathisers or apologists for gang culture. In such environments, there is immense pressure to condemn what society at large fears. This collection explains how the expectation to condemn has emerged, tracking it against the normalisation of racism, and explores how writers manage to subvert expectations as part of their commitment to anti-racism.

Abdel-Fattah Randa. Coming of Age in the War on Terror. New South Books, 2020.

In Coming of Age in the War on Terror, Randa Abdel-Fattah interrogates the impact of all this on young people’s political consciousness and their trust towards adults and the societies they live in. Drawing on local interviews but global in scope, this book is the first to examine the lives of a generation for whom the rise of the far-right and the growing polarization of politics seem normal.

“Exception(s) to the Rule(s): Civilian Harm, Oversight, and Accountability in the Shadow Wars.” Center for Civilians in Conflict, 2020.
Exception(s) to the Rule(s)”, a report produced by Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) in partnership with the Stimson Center and Security Assistance Monitor, examines the tradeoffs and consequences involved with the continued use and availability of certain counterterrorism authorities and practices as the “endless war” enters its twentieth year. In examining these tradeoffs, it calls attention to the proliferation and normalization of authorities and tools for employing lethal force, including modes of security cooperation where the use of lethal force and civilian harm are reasonably foreseeable outcomes.

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