Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster
Global Futures: Uncertainty, Displacement, Security
The Costs of Living: Reflections on Global Health Crises
By Bishnupriya Ghosh
In this article, the author reflects on the distributive logic inherent in articulations of health security regimes as a modern form of power over biological existence. While much has been said about biopower and its calculative rationality, the focus of this chapter is on how crisis as the governing epistemology of health emergencies habitually reinforces that rationality. This article focuses on the “epidemic” as such a critical phase: an event that opens new pathways into the past (what went wrong?) and the future (what action is the best way forward?).
Pandemic Media (to be published in April)
By Mary Michael and Bishnupriya Ghosh
Analyses of media landscape of COVID-19. Draws from the works of Bishnupriya Ghosh, Gloria Kim, Michael Barry, and engages with media works such as the Wuhan Diary. Useful for media studies scholars and general public interested in the presence of the virus on social media.