Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster

Structural Violence, Police/Prison Abolition, and Decoloniality

Cluster Publications

Abaza, Gehad. 2018. “
Iraqi refugees in Egypt denounce lack of protection, services.” Al-Monitor. July 20. 

Abaza, Gehad. 2017. “Life in a garden across from the UNHCR.” Madamasr. May 4.

Abaza, Gehad. 2014. “Enforced Disappearances Rise Under el-Sissi in Egypt.” Common Dreams. June 25. 

Beaman, Jean. 2019. “Where do Black Lives Matter?: Police Violence and Antiracism in France and the United States.” ITEMS. Social Science Research Council. June 4.

Beaman, Jean. 2020. “Underlying conditions: Global Anti-Blackness amid COVID-19,” City & Community 19(3): 516-522.

Beaman, Jean. 2020. “Minneapolis in Paris: on State Violence and Global Racism.” Spectre, August 18.

Blake, Felice. 2017. “Global Mass Violence: Examining Racial and Gendered Violence in the Twilight of Multiculturalism.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(14): 2615-2633.

Johnson, Andrew. 2014. “Foucault: Critical Theory of the Police in a Neoliberal Age.” Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 61(4): 5-29.

Johnson, Andrew. 2019. “Ur-Fascism and Neo-Fascism.” Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development 5(1): 1-33.


Page Editor

Andrew Johnson is finishing a PhD in Political Science at the University of California Santa Barbara. His major field is in Political Theory and secondary fields are in International Relations and American Politics. He has an emphasis in Global Studies and has taught for the Black Studies and Sociology departments. Andrew has an MA in Philosophy from Louisiana State University and a BA in Philosophy from the University of Maine. His dissertation explores the historical formation and development of police institutions and the importance of these histories for the police abolition movement.
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