Debate Feminista
Debate Feminista is a Mexican academic journal about gender and sexuality with a multidisciplinary focus. It was founded by Marta Lamas in 1990, and since 2015 it became part of the patrimony of Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM).
It is edited by the University's Gender Studies and Research Center. It is public in its printed and online versions. The 50 numbers of the historical archive of the journal are available for free as pdfs in Spanish
It is edited by the University's Gender Studies and Research Center. It is public in its printed and online versions. The 50 numbers of the historical archive of the journal are available for free as pdfs in Spanish
Queen Ludd Editorial
Under the appearance of an editorial house, Queen Ludd publishes in Spanish and gives free access to South American feminist and transfeminist authors. Their disclaimer states that they believe in the free circulatino of cultural capital, without means of commercial exploitation or profit. They aim to de-capitalize themselves in their attempt of continuing sharing.