Archived News: 2011 Lecture Series

The Orfalea Center hosts a series of free one-hour lectures for the general public and campus community on topics of global and transnational interest. The format consists of concise half-hour talks by speakers from the worlds of international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), diplomacy, journalism, and academia from across the UCSB campus and beyond, highlighting perspectives on a variety of global issues. A question & answer period follows each talk.

Talk locations vary – see individual Event announcements on this website. Topics and dates are also announced in Passport, the Global Studies events e-newsletter; and on flyers around the UCSB campus.

2011 Winter/Spring Colloquium Series

“The Global Economy Post-2008: Finance Risk and Responsibility”

As private investors, central banks, and sovereign governments struggle to adapt to a new chapter in political and economic history, one common theme seems to stand out to economic actors of every kind — uncertainty.  The assumptions and strategies that held sway in the recent past are encountering heightened complications in the post-2008 economy, but upon what ideological framework will the next orthodoxies be based?  What new institutional constellations will emerge to manage the political and economic rebalancing that is occurring within and among states?


March 1: Roland Benedikter, “Social Banking and Social Finance: A European Perspective”
– 12:00pm, Orfalea Center Seminar Room

March 8: Andrew Comstock with John Harrington, “Socially Responsible Investing in Europe: Success and Setbacks”
– 7:00pm, Unitarian Society, Santa Barbara

March 15: Jan Pieterse, “Decoding Crisis”
– 12:00pm, Orfalea Center Seminar Room

March 29: Benjamin J. Cohen, “The Future of Global Currency: Is the Dollar Under Siege?”
– 12:00pm, Orfalea Center Seminar Room

April 5: T.J. Jackson Lears, “The Trigger of History: Rethinking Capitalism and Modernity”
– 12:00pm, McCune Conference Room 6020 HSSB

Related UCSB Events

UCSB Arts & Lectures series “Aftermath: The Financial Crisis and our Evolving Economic Future”

– February 15 – Simon Johnson, author of 13 Bankers

– February 20 – Dambisa Moyo, author of How the West Was Lost:50 Years of Economic Folly and the Stark Choices Ahead 

– February 25: Manuel Castells, “The Non-Global Global Crisis: Implications for Globalization Theory”

Page Editor

Ben Smith
Ben Smith
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