This article advances a novel argument about the effect of ideology on foreign policy oversight and shows that oversight is not a partisan action per se, but is more likely to reside at either of the two peripheries of the political spectrum.Read More
This paper argues for the importance of incomplete contracting in the design of international institutions in general, and for alliances in particular.Read More
Comparing empirical evidence of UN and French peacebuilding practices in Mali, this talk offers insight into potential best practices for peacebuilding in diverse societies.Read More
This paper explores the theoretical and empirical implications of the assumption that preferences over territory are heterogeneous and often limited.Read More
From December 1-2, 2017, the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies’ Governance and Human Rights Hub convened thirteen leading scholars of the norms, institutions, and practice of human rights to interrogate the following, pivotal questions related to contemporary human rights scholarship: 1) Pathways of influence: How do human rights circulate and gain traction? What […]Read More