10th Anniversary Workshops: Global Security

Security Populisms and Insecure Transmissions

Coordinator: Paul Amar.

Friday, 26 February:

9:30-11:30  Security and Popular Agency:  Roundtable 1

Kamala Visweswaran, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego, “’Informers, Traitors and Vigilantes’: Unpopular Agencies in ‘Post-Conflict’ South Asia”

Flavia Medeiros, Anthropology, SFSU, “Man and Monster: The Institutional Racialization of Corpses by Morgue and Police in Rio de Janeiro”

Juan Llamas Rodriguez, Film & Media, UCSB, “The Body at Work in the Age of Narcotrafficking”

Sarah Neace, Global Studies, UCSB, “Religious Tension in Brazil: The Rise of Pentecostalism and Implications for Religio-Racial Minorities.”

Fernando Brancoli, Security Studies, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, “Militias and Vigilante Rule in the Context of New Authoritarian Populism”

Amanda Pinheiro, Global Studies, UCSB, “The Zika Epidemic and Slum Militarization in the Olympic Context”

Chairs and Discussants:

Nadege Clitandre, UCSB

Bhaskar Sarkar, UCSB

David Lloyd, UC Riverside

11:30-12:00  Coffee Break and Snacks

12:00-2:00  Securing Transmissions:  Roundtable 2

Caren Kaplan, Science & Technology Studies, UC Davis, “Aerial Dispositions: The Format of Evidence”

Laila Shereen Sakr , Film & Media, UCSB,  “R-Shief: Building Counter Collections of Arab Social Media”

Lisa Han, Film & Media, UCSB, “Boko Haram in the News: Visualizing the Rise of a Radical Islamic Group as Told by Western Media”

Daniel Grinberg, Film & Media, UCSB “Speed and Policing: (Dis)junctures of Security, Mobility, and Temporality.”

Felice Blake, English, UCSB, “All the Women were Prostitutes, All the Men were Rapists, but the Liberal State was Normative: Moral Vigilantism in Norwegian Immigration Discourse”

Chandan Reddy, U. Washington, “Administering Security: Race, Gender, and Data”

Chairs and Discussants:

Lisa Parks, UCSB

Bishnupriya Ghosh, UCSB

2:00-3:00  Lunch Break

3:00-5:00  Security Spheres: Islamic State as Research Object:  Roundtable 3

Leila Hudson, Arizona University, “Embodied Terror, Embodied Security: Neopatriarchy in the Age of Assad and Daesh”

Benjamin Smith, UCSB, “Constructions of Terrorism: Communicative Constitution of Daesh through Attribute Framing.”

Ahmed Meiloud, Arizona U., “The Islamic State’s Imagined Community of Rogue Actors”

Feras Klenk, Arizona U., “The Imaginative Geographies of the Islamic State: Space, Power, and State-Formation ”

Anthony Adams, Arizona U., “From Insurgency to Counter-Insurgency (And Back Again)

Abraham Jimenez, Arizona U.,”The ISIS War Machine: Destroying and Reconstituting the State”

Chairs and Discussants:

Mark Juergensmeyer, UCSB

Kamala Visweswaran, UCSB

Saturday, 27 February:

10:00-12:00 Sexuality, Militarization, and Moral Politics:  Roundtable 4

Navid Yousefian, Political Science, UCSB, “Militarization and LGBT Service in the Iranian Security State”

Joshua Champeau, Global Studies, UCSB, “Security and Pride:  Queer Marches in Istanbul and Erdogan’s AK Party LBGTs”

Sarp Kurgan, Global Studies, UCSB, “Domestic, Regional, and Global Aspects of a Civil War: Reemergence of Conflict between Turkey and the PKK”

Jesi Faust, Global Studies, UCSB, “Queering the Global Self: Sexual Security States, and Activist Responses in Morocco, Spain and the “New Andalus” to the Suicide of Amina Al Filali”

Chloe Diamond-Lenow, Feminist Studies, UCSB, “The Dog-Security State and US Militarism: The Biopolitics of “Rescuing” Dogs from Iraq”

Nick Glastonbury, Anthropology, CUNY, “Love in the Time of Kurdistan”


Sherene Seikalay, UCSB

Paul Amar, UCSB

Chandan Reddy, University of Washington

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:00  Security, Nation, Gender, East Asia: Roundtable 5 

Carl Gabrielson, East Asian Studies, UCSB, “Comfort and Sacrifice: Securitization of Female Bodies in Japanese Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism.”

Kai Wasson, East Asian Studies, UCSB, “Exporting Nationalism: Rightwing Japanese Propaganda in the United States”

Drop-in additional participation is welcome here.

Facilitator: Paul Amar, UCSB

2:00-4:00 Grant-Writing Collaboration (Closed Session)

Page Editor

Ben Smith
Ben Smith
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